Toiletries - bathrobe, hairdryer, towel, shower amenities, hairbrush, dental kitEntertainment - free wifi, smart tvsafety & security - no smoking, personal safe box, fire extinguisherComfort amenities - airconditioner, curtain, slipper, desk, phone, newborn bassinet (per request)Clothing amenities - clothes hanger, shoe cleaner, closet, ironfood amenities - coffee pot, free water (2 bottles) fridge, free instant coffee & teaParking - free indoor & outdoor parkingOccupacy - 3 adults (sofa bed will be provided with additional fees)
Our hotel Arina is a non-smoking hotel. Please smoke in the designated smoking area which is located on B1. If caught smoking within the building, there will be a fine of 2,000,000won. Cancellation Policy.Cancellation and Refund Regulationsㆍ3 days prior to check-in: : 100% refundableㆍ2 days prior to check-in : 50% refundableㆍ1 day prior to check-in/check-in day : non-refundable* cancellation and refund will cause extra fees